Discover our linPORTALs
linPORTAL standard
Our linPORTAL standard is suitable for any conventional cobot. It brings your cobot to the desired position in the shortest possible time. This makes applications such as simultaneous welding on both sides of a component child's play. The linPORTAL is available in a wide range of sizes. Decide according to your requirements whether you need 1 or 2 cross beams, at what height the entire portal should be mounted, how long the basic axes need to be, what span width you need and whether a z-axis is required. As our profiles come out of the box, your gantry will be ready for use within a few weeks.

linPORTAL double
Our linPORTAL double is ideal for particularly long cross beams and applications with high payloads. The use of our double axis makes your entire system even more stable. This results in considerably less deflection and significantly increases accuracy. Once again, you decide in which dimensions your portal is required. For example, our linPORTAL double is very popular in the construction industry - in the prefabricated garage sector - as we require particularly long cross beams here.

Application possibilities

Simultaneous welding on both sides as easy as conventional cobot welding. To avoid distortion, components often have to be welded on 2 opposite sides at the same time. With the help of our linPORTAL with 2 cross beams, this is no longer a problem.

Our linear technology can be used to plaster prefabricated garages, for example. These run on a conveyor belt through the linPORTAL, with 2 y-axes plastering and applying a water-impermeable layer.

Palletizing in the so-called “supermarket” is easier than ever with the help of the linPORTAL. Payloads of up to 500 kg can be lifted.
linPORTAL simply better
Every linPORTAL can be programmed by anyone using all common web browsers and fully integrated apps - such as URCap. A 2nd option is the use of a dedicated control unit. The integrated HMI makes operation and programming extremely convenient.

Linrob fits seamlessly into any of your applications as an intelligent base-of-arm product. Thanks to common interfaces, any robot or cobot can be easily integrated.

Thanks to the plug-and-play system, the integration of safety sensors is easier than ever. This enables co-working between robots and humans.

Achieve an application range of up to 80 meters in the basic axis without losing accuracy. Plan each axis exactly according to your needs.

Each portal is delivered ready-to-work within a few weeks. Assembly and commissioning also take place within a few hours.

A proof of concept is carried out in advance for each application with the help of a digital twin. Thanks to our FEM calculation, we can always calculate the deflection of the entire system precisely and thus compensate for it on the fly.